Tuesday, October 30, 2018

3D printed temple

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built… The temple of the monkey god and weird penguin thing

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
  1. Get shapes
  2. Morph them
  3. Put them together
  4. yay

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
I like monkeys and penguins.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change…. I would change the color.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed tower

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...a tower.

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1.Make walls
2.Make a Big tower in the middle

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…It’s cool and it’s like a real tower.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I wouldn't add or change anything except I wish it printed in different colors.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed pug

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...
A Pug

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
  1. Go to thingverse
2.get pug
3. Type name and s
4. Make copyright sign

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change…. The size of the pug

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed lego house

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built… A small house for my brother, which legos can go inside.

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1. A box
2. A roof
3. A hole for the door
4. Stairs

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
I thought it would be cute to build a mini house for lego people!

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….
I would add some more figures to put in the house (besides legos).

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed logo (Umazuan)

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...
Umazuan a new amazon.

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
  1. Use the box and cover the whole printing pad white
  2. Then get the text tool
  3.  Type Umazuan in black
  4. Then make the arrow upside down orange

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
Change the world and get people off of Amazon.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….

I would print in a different colors and sizes.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed rabbit house

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...a rabbit house

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1.I took  shapes and sized it.
2.I grouped it all up and done

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
I like cute animals

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object
I would add or change…. nothing

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed robot army

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...an astro bot army that will conquer the world

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1.go to characters and scroll down
2.choose astro bot
3.organize in 3 by 3
4.ask mr. almon to save and print

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
When I am older i want to conquer the world and I thought I would start with baby steps and build a world class replica.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….I would add supports to my bots and then when they are done printing i would chop them off.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed stand

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...a little stand.

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1.I brought a box
2.I added 2 little spears at the bottom
3.and then I turned them blue

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change…. I would make it bigger because I made it as a stand for my guinea pig and she is going to get bigger and it will be to small.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D logo

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built… a chicken foot and a logo

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1. look at the chicken foot
2.then click it and drag it to the board  
3.select text and type the logo

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…it was funny

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….nothing I like the way that it is

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

3D printed letter

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built… a weird letter B

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
1.I went to the text bar and put in the letter B
2.Then I sized  it to MY liking
3.Then I copied it to a file
4.Then Mr. Almon printed it.

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because… my name starts with a B .
My name is Brooklyn.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change…. I  WOULD want to ADD more layers because now I have to redo my project because it broke.Only because it only had one layer.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below: