Tuesday, October 30, 2018

3D printed logo (Umazuan)

TinkerCAd reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built...
Umazuan a new amazon.

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
  1. Use the box and cover the whole printing pad white
  2. Then get the text tool
  3.  Type Umazuan in black
  4. Then make the arrow upside down orange

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…
Change the world and get people off of Amazon.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….

I would print in a different colors and sizes.

5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

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