Noaea Bunch
Problem: My house doesn’t have many games. Can I make a game?
Brainstorm: I started watching videos on the internet to find inspiration.So why not make a basketball game.
Need: lots of cardboard
2 rolls of duct tape
2 pipe cleaner
puff balls
tissue ( a plate will also work.)
Rules: If you make 10 or more points on the first ramp, your bonus round is knocking the gumball of its spot. The gumball must fall down the ramp, onto the plate for someone to have it.
Step 1: tape the bottom of a big box together. That way the box isn’t wobbly.
Step 2: Open the other end and tape the corner of each side together except 1 of them.
Step 3: Cut a 6x6 inch square in the front.( the side with the one flap down is the front)
Step 4: Tape the flap that is down to the other 2 flaps that way it stays in place.
Step 5: Put 2 foot long and 6 inches wide piece of cardboard through the square at a slanted angle.( slanted as in going upward the box.) Of course then tape the top part to the back flap.
The ramp should look like this:
Step 6: Grab 2 pipe cleaners and make a hoop out of them. tape that above the ramp( as close as you can toward the ramp.)
Step 7: On the left side of the box( any side actually works.) cut another 6x6 square.REPEAT STEP 5.
Step 8: Make a tunnel around the middle of the top ramp ( the second ramp you made should be up higher than the first ramp.) IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS:
Step 9: At the top part of the top ramp, bend the top part that way it has a flat surface for the gumball to sit on. You might have to redo the taping at the top of the top ramp.
Step 10: At the floor level of the top ramp, grab tissue to make a plate like platform for the gumball to land on.( A regular plate will work to.)
Step 11: Grab two 10x4 inch cardboard pieces to put on the inside ( next to lower ramp and under higher ramp) to block puff ball from falling into the box.
Step 12: On the front of the box, cut a vertical ½ inch long line through the box for the quarter slot.
Step 13: Under the quarter slot, cut a horizontal 3 inch wide line through the box for the dollar slot.( You don’t have to do steps 12-13 if you don’t want to. Your choice.)
Final Step: Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!