Monday, January 11, 2016

Cardboard Foosball Table

by Mirabel Levin, Kate Vezzani, and  Ashely  Wood

We decided to make a cardboard foosball table ‘because we love soccer, here is how to make it.

Some changes we needed to make were to make our fabric taped on better so it won’t fall off. Also, we could have made cardboard people, not just faces.

STEP 1):  Rip two boxes of cardboard so they are unattached. Tape two sides of cardboard together to make a soccer stadium.
STEP 2 ):  Cut circles of cardboard and put faces on the circles. Cut a strip of cardboard about a foot and an inch wide. Tape a circle of cardboard on the end of a strip of cardboard until you don’t have any strips or circles left.

STEP 3):  Poke holes in the middle of the cardboard stadium.           ( poke as many holes as you made for the strips with faces.) Place strips with faces in the holes you poked. Leave the goalies you made and poke one hole on each end side for goalies.
STEP 4):   Make goals for the goalies. Color or duct tape  your stadium, your people with strips, and your goals and add green fabric for grass.
STEP 5 ):   Crumble up white duct tape to make a soccer ball.
STEP 6):    Have fun  with the cardboard foosball table. Now that you know how to make a cardboard foosball table, you can make them whenever, wherever you want.

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