Monday, November 14, 2016


TinkerCAD reflection

  1. Describe the object you built:
I built… I built a RV that is all red with accessories inside the RV.  

2)  List the steps it took to design your 3d object:
  1. First, I realized there wasn’t a bed, so I added that
  2. Then,there were only two wheels so I had to make more
  3. Next, I realized there wasn’t a bottom or a roof so I filled in the gaps with shapes
  4. Lastly, I had to dye my vehicle red

3)  How did you decide to build this object?
I built this object because…

I thought it would be cool to make a vehicle.

4)  If you had more time or materials (plastic), how would you improve your object?
I would add or change….

I would make engines that would function.
5) Add a picture of your 3D printed object below:

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